
Omega Home Network facilitates a grassroots effort to spread our model and educate communities about living well through dying. Formerly known as the Social Hospice Network, we changed our name to embrace the word Omega and its symbolism as the last, best or final nature of something. Omega Home Network unites us, sharing common values and structure. 

We offer tiered membership levels with escalating benefits as your project grows.

Membership Benefits

  • Omega Home Start-up Manual
  • Direct mentoring with phone and email support
  • Discounted conference fees
  • Forum access and participation
  • Monthly e-newsletter
  • Interactive monthly networking webinars
  • Monthly special interest group webinars
  • Peer Support
  • Listing in our online member directory
  • Association with a proven, successful model
  • Participation in an innovative national movement in community care of the dying
  • Access to the Network's collective experience and knowledge

Membership Criteria

Omega Homes provide a non-medical, comfort-based, supportive level of care.

  • Must have nonprofit status and provide proof of nonprofit 501c3 status for organization or for sponsoring organization, or provide proof of intent to file for nonprofit status within the first year of membership
  • Must serve persons with a terminal illness with an emphasis on individual and family-centered end-of-life care in a home environment
  • Must provide 24/7 care by a combination of paid and volunteer staff
  • Must not be a medical hospice provider but collaborates with local medical hospices, who provide medical care/case management
  • Must adhere to the Omega Home Network Core Values

Annual Membership Fees

Membership applications are reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors.

  • $2,000 Large Institutional Member
    Institutions requiring membership benefits for 100+ people
  • $1,000 Institutional Member
    Institutions requiring membership benefits for 25-99 people
  • $500 Home Member
    Operating non-profit community homes for end-of-life care that have been open for six or more years. Unlimited individual participation
  • $250 Associate Member
    Developing projects and incorporated organizations actively working to establish a home for end-of-life care and homes that have been open for five years or less. Unlimited individual participation
  • $100 Individual Member
    Individuals exploring the model by working toward the creation of a home or supporting the development of community homes for people who are dying

© 2024 Omega Home Network